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clicking exit disables all collision.

the game is to large for the screen, can you fix this, because i would like to play it, but can only see the top left side of the screen.

What kind of device are you using when trying play it?

i am using google chrome on a chromebook, is it just me that it doesn’t work for, or what?

How about now? Made some changes to the HTML viewport settings.

yes, thanks, it works better now.

when i played it i realised that the boss is easier then the other part of the game, so i think you should make the boss atleast a bit harder, but i got all 3 endings, though i liked the demon’s ending the best.

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback. Since you spent the time to play and give helpful advice, I will share a secret with you. There are three endings... and a good ending.

This was made during a game-jam and the theme of the jam was: "The game is a lie."

Enjoy. ^_^